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Altogether Lovely Ministries: HEALING      

                         1) Overview

     We begin our healing by asking Jesus into our heart to be our Savior and Lord. Jesus is the Great Physician and the True Healer. A relationship with Jesus then requires effort but under the power of God's Spirit. This can be done by reading/memorizing Scripture, praying, and being thankful throughout the day. 

     It is our experience that those who continue on in the  process of restoration have 4 things in place:

1) a deep and personal relationship with Jesus Christ by FAITH. Walking with Jesus on a personal level and being filled with Him (by faith) in their spirit, mind, will, emotions, and body. Again all by FAITH!!

2) a relationship with a born again, mature, Spirit-filled Christian. We recommend man to man or woman to woman. This person can be a layperson or professional provided they understand your need for someone to talk to, get discipled with, and prayed with. Someone to share your deepest secrets with, your daily struggles & joys, and encourages you in your walk. This is the person you can share your "stuff" with as most people won't understand.

3) a small group (12-step group, a bible study, prayer group, or healing group). People that will respect your privacy and will be an encouragement in your life. We need relationships with people and this is an avenue to develop close relationships on a deeper level. It is important to be WISE here with who & what you share.   Healing Prayers & Christian 12-Steps

4) a large group (church). Going to church provides relationships. Again, don't overshare here as many will not understand. But relationships can be developed as well as an opportunity to be ministered to and to minister to others. Ministering to others (praying, encouraging, and listening) is vital and should be done in wisdom. It also brings us out of ourselves and gets us out of isolation along with seeing that others have it worse than us or have even overcome personal struggles.


Again, four things:

1) a personal relationship with Jesus.

2) a one on one relationship with a mature Christian.

3) a small group (12-step, bible study, prayer group, &/or healing group).

4) a larger group (church).





     At ALTOGETHER LOVELY MINISTRIES we believe Jesus Christ is our “Healer”. First in Salvation through faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – this being the born again experience. That precious moment that Jesus comes into the heart and spirit of someone who has repented of their sins and put their faith in Him. At this point, the “spirit” of this person is “sealed for the day of redemption”, “born anew”, “alive to God and dead to sin”, and “filled with the Holy Spirit.” Then, our day by day walk with Christ as He heals us, sanctifies us, and helps us become more like Christ. This is our soul. God healing us so that our mind, will, and emotions become renewed, healed, decisive for Jesus, and supernaturally healed. Our final healing will come when Christ returns and gives us our new body like His.


KNOW GOD    healing starts with a born again relationship with Jesus - new birth - new heart - new identity - new life!

GOD IN YOUR HEART!!             This is a full presentation of the Gospel.       PRAYER TO FALL ASLEEP 

CHRISTIAN TREASURES!! Wonderful foundation for Christianity.               The Blood of Christ




     It must be noted that there is no easy path or easy way in healing. Jesus’ healing for us was painful. We are His disciples and are to live as He did. Sometimes God does a “big, miraculous healing”. Sometimes God takes us through a process. The most important thing to understand about healing is that God wants a relationship with us. He knows that if we were instantly healed, many of us would start to think we don’t need Him anymore. The greater our need for God, the better off we are. Yes, it is painful at times!! Oh, so painful!! But, it is the means that keeps us constantly drawing close to our Lord. If you ever feel that God is just a far off God who doesn’t care about your pain; just look at the CROSS. God has gone through every degree of pain, rejection, physical suffering, heart ache, abuse, and shame that any of us have. And to a greater degree!! He understands and is with us in our healing. The following are some GUIDELINES for healing:
- God doesn’t heal at the surface. He is the “Great Physician”. He goes down to the “core” of the problem which is usually confession of sin or unforgiveness. 
- Find people to share with who are mature, trustworthy, and caring. Be wise in your relationships. Unfortunately, wounded, dysfunctional people usually attract wounded, dysfunctional people. Step out and seek “healthy relationships” that nourish, encourage, and build you up.
- Start a daily “PRAYER JOURNAL”. Take time each day to let God heal you as you write your prayers down on paper.  Prayer Journal

- When you are in a lot of pain, take time to draw close to God even though it is painful. Breath slowly & deeply and focus on God in your heart. Prayer Journaling (see above point) is also good to do at this point. People have also found healing by embracing the “FIREBALL” in their heart. Draw deep down (by faith) as much as you can and allow Jesus into your whole being or an area of hurt. Jesus is “whole” and wants to bring “His” wholeness into your heart, soul, and body.
- Do nourishing things. Don’t just stay in a mode of healing and pain. Go for walks,

read a good book, go swimming, ride your bicycle, etc. God wants to give you time to rest for the next healing.
- Minister to others. If you are feeling sorry for yourself, find someone who is “worse off” than you.
- Mediate on healing Scriptures. Learn more about God’s compassion, love, and healing power.

(see: GOD-JESUS-HOLY SPIRIT for meditative Scriptures about God)

(see: CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY for Scriptures on peace, joy, love, humility, healing, etc. - very worthwhile!!!)

- Be wise in sharing your testimony of healing. Many times Christians ask “new converts” to share their testimony. The problem is that sometimes they share too much and end up feeling spiritually abused. Be wise and get guidance from mature Christians who have gone through healing.
- Our time here is preparation for eternity. We are being healed and transformed into the likeness of Christ for eternity. This time here is but “a breath”. Learn to understand this and renew your mind.

(see slides 398-410: GOD-JESUS-HOLY SPIRIT for meditative Scriptures about OUR FUTURE GLORY)
(see slide 4: CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY )

- God wants to restore the losses in our lives. But first He needs to prepare us to receive all His glorious riches. Having us mature as a Christian is God’s first goal.
- It is okay to get angry. David throughout the Psalms got angry. But he “wrote” his thoughts down on paper and never hurt someone else or himself. Write your 'anger' on paper. Read it. Then throw the paper away. (Then read the Psalms “outloud”).

(see slide 484: CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY )
- Allow yourself to GRIEVE your losses. You may start to cry for no reason. You may even feel depressed. It is alright. You are being healed. Your pain within you from your past is coming out. (see slide 4: CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY )
- Be wise with prescription medicines. Read about the medication on the internet. Find out what they are treating, what the side effects will be, how long they plan on having you on the medication, whether or not it is addictive, how it will affect your healing process, etc. Find the balance between anti-medication people and people who give medications for everything. Remember, medications “mask” the problem – they don’t get to the root. But, sometimes they help stabilize a person until they can get their life balanced. BE WISE. A spiritual Christian doctor, who can explain the pros and cons of medications, would be wise to talk to. Also, many times people with spiritual problems can be set free with a wise, discerning spiritual prayer warrior. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!!
- Read Scripture that affirms who you are “in Christ”. You are God’s child and a blessing.
(see slides 552-602: CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY )

- God loves you. Meditate on this truth. Believe this truth. Listen to His voice about this truth. 

(see slide 4 & slides 60-67 & 223-228: GOD-JESUS-HOLY SPIRIT for Scriptures about God's love)  PRAYER TO FALL ASLEEP




GOD IN YOUR HEART     (Full Salvation - How to Walk with Jesus!!!) 


Healing Prayers & Christian 12-Steps (complete package)     Christian Blessings      Prayer Journal       The Blood of Christ  

Christian 12-Steps & Serenity Prayer      Step 4 & 5 Format    Prayers for Each Step    Prayers for Healing & Deliverance      

Christian 12-Step Meeting      Worship Service Format          Prayers (Individuals or Groups) 


TOPICAL DEVOTIONAL (God-Jesus-Holy Spirit) TOPICAL DEVOTIONAL (Christian Theology)  HIMSELF by A.B.Simpson (classic healing)


EXPERIENCING GOD'S LOVE 1        Book One focuses on laying foundations for healing with multiple healing resources.   

EXPERIENCING GOD'S LOVE 2        Book Two takes the Believer through the Song of Songs to experience God’s love.                 


EXPERIENCING BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY 1    Two book series to deepen the truths of Christianity in a believer’s life.  

EXPERIENCING BIBLICAL CHRISTIANITY 2    Each book is formatted in 24 two hour lessons. Great for discipleship.​   then: SECTION 1. Then go to: Area #8: see: Healing. Multiple files on healing. Then go to SECTION #20






(say "out loud" a few times daily)

      Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for my sins. I believe Jesus' shed blood is enough for the forgiveness of my sins!! Thank You Jesus for dying for me and rising from the dead. Because I believe in your death and resurrection I have forgiveness of sin and eternal life in You. I am Your child - a child of God - forgiven through faith in Christ's shed blood - filled, sealed, anointed with the Holy Spirit - and a friend of God.

     Satan, you and your demons, get away from me in Jesus' Name. You and your lying spirits get away and go to Jesus - He will deal with you. I am God's child!! 

     Holy Spirit come now and fill me with You. Fill me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. Jesus, come into every sickness & disease & blood cell in my body and melt away what is not of You. Come,  melt away every hurt in my spirit, soul, and body and make me whole. Sickness, disease, and hurt cannot grow in the presence of the Holy, All-Powerful God.

    Thank You Jesus. I believe You are flowing throughout my spirit, mind, emotions, and body. Your presence gives healing and fullness of joy!! Thank You Lord God Almighty. I am trusting in You. In Jesus' Name I pray. Amen.  Rewards To Look Forward To



CHRISTIAN SALVATION & HEALING    Prayers to pray for yourself for diseases, sickness, oppression, addictions, etc. Jesus heals!!

PRAYERS: individuals / groups / children   Great prayers for yourself, others, and your children.

AFFIRMATIONS for healing   Great affirmations to be declared outloud to affirm "who you are in Christ".

FREEDOM IN CHRIST (For Kids)   FREEDOM IN CHRIST (For Adults)   FREEDOM IN CHRIST (Marriage)   Neil Anderson’s material.

Freedom in Christ (short form)   Step 5 / short version of FREEDOM IN CHRIST (For Adults) above.

WORSHIP SERVICE    Great worship service format for your bible study or church group.                    



5) DISCLAIMER          


     This material is not to replace Christian counseling (not Christians who counsel but Christ-centered Christian counseling)  or Christian medical doctors (who are Christ-centered) when needed. In fact, we encourage individuals to find trusting Christian counseling and discipleship. This material is a “tool” to offer support. Individuals are responsible for their own healing and the choices they make - it is between you and God. Nobody knows you better than God. In no way does this material claim to replace professional Christian counselors or Christian medical doctors when needed. A professional Christian counselor is something that should be considered between God and the individual. Again, this book offers “laymen” resources for those wanting further growth and healing in Christ.













START BY WORSHIPING GOD. THEN PRAY THIS PRAYER: Father God, I come to You through faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ for entry into Your presence, forgiveness, healing. Forgive me for ________. Holy Spirit, will You now fall upon me. Come fill my spirit, my mind, my will, my emotions, my sexuality,  and every cell in my body with You. Melt away anything not of You. Thank You Holy Spirit.  In Jesus' Matchless Name I pray.

Now find a phrase or verse to meditate on. You can scroll down & watch the waves/sky if you wish.

..... and a time to heal, (Ecclesiastes 3:3)

Heal me, O LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved,

for you are the one I praise. (Jeremiah 17:14)

O LORD my God, I called to you for help and you healed me. (Psalms 30:2)

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities;

the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,

and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases,

those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed,

those having seizures, and the paralyzed, 

and he healed them. (Matthew 4:24)

and the people all tried to touch him,

because power was coming from him and healing them all. (Luke 6:19)

Altogether Lovely Ministries
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